Phone: (615) 491-7959

   - Testimonials -
May I take this opportunity to recommend David Toledo to you.

As a producer and a two-time Grammy award winner, I have never been as impressed by an individual as I have with David Toledo. For the past three years it has been my distinct privilege and honor to work along side David on various music related projects. I admire not only his musicianship and expertise, but his ability to apply and adapt that knowledge to whatever situation that may arise. David possesses a thorough understanding of the music industry, technology, and recording which makes him a well-rounded and reliable resource.

As an educator, David exudes and an energy and enthusiasm that is inspiring to observe. I have been fortunate to see first hand the impact that David has made upon the lives of his students. Whether he is serving as a band leader, choir director, or instrumental instructor, David has “the heart of a teacher.” His practical experience in the music business along with his passion for the arts make him an invaluable asset.

I would be remiss if I did not mention that, in my opinion, David is one of the most conscientious people I know. His integrity, high standards, and commitment are traits that have served him well and enhance the experience of anyone who works or studies with him.

I hope that you will give David Toledo your consideration.

Yours truly,

Dennis Scott
Dennis Scott Productions
Act IV Music

"I became acquainted with David Toledo when he taught in our music department. He was a very prepared, punctual, and passionate teacher. He was aware of every nuance of the music, as well as each student. Whether singing, performing, or teaching, David definitely knows his subject. His students will benefit greatly from his knowledge, experience, and instruction!"

-Dr. Mark Crawford
Coordinator of Commercial Music
Tennessee State University Department of Music

I am the director of a summer music performance camp for young teens called “The JAM.” It was here that I had the good fortune to meet my friend David Toledo.

As “The JAM” progressed after the first two years I realized I needed to provide these young teens with the most educated instructors and clinicians available. I was told about David’s background with The University of Miami through mutual friends, and asked him to come work as a clinician at The JAM.

David provided two one-hour drum clinics of intense instruction for the week long campers. It was amazing to see how far-reached his capabilities were. David teaches in a manner that is completely comprehensible, providing the kids with a strong understanding for rhythm and composition through hands on activities and involving them completely through the entire learning process. Each student left the camp that year with more knowledge than the previous “The JAM”.

David also has a gift in the “way” he teaches. He is calm, direct, loving, kind, passionate and firm – all the qualities I was looking for and found with David Toledo.

This year David worked as a full-time instructor and clinician. “The Jam” has become a sought after summer camp for teens because of teachers like David Toledo. It is his hard work and passion for teaching that brings these kids back to camp every year. And although we had 21 instructors this year at “The JAM”, I consider David Toledo to be the most qualified of all, as his experience goes well beyond the realm of general music knowledge.

If I were in the position of a hiring a professor of music on a full-time, year round basis, David would be the first person I would employ.


Laura Hill
Director, “The Jam”

When I met David, playing guitar to me was just a hobby. He and I met by chance and he recruited me to play in the church praise band that he directed, and he encouraged me to take lessons – I was 34 years old! I couldn’t read music, my electric guitar was a mess, and my playing must have made Dave secretly cringe. But I followed his advice and soon developed an intense love of music and of playing in an ensemble.

I’ve kept at it and can now play almost anything I wish, even legendary solos I’d only imagined trying before! Dave’s inspiration even overflowed to my children.

My daughter now plays the bass, and my son plays the drums with Dave as his instructor. The two have started their own band, which has since played at a school dance and at a Battle of the Bands. It’s truly awesome to have music be the recreational center of our lives. My kids and I have something we can work on together, and they have a constructive hobby to grow up with and that will stay with them throughout their lives.

None of this would have happened without David Toledo!!!

Bret Haas
Plant Manager
Trinidad Benham

It is my distinct pleasure to recommend David Toledo to you.

I have been privileged to work with him during the past 3.5 years as pianist of East Brentwood Presbyterian Church, where David has built a music ministry noted for its stylistic diversity, consistent quality, caring involvement, and training of children and youth.

In addition to being the best drummer I’ve ever worked with and leading the best instrumental praise band I’ve ever encountered, David possesses an incredible scope of knowledge including numerous musical instruments; arranging, composition, and theory; music technology; versatility in all genres from church music, to pop, to jazz; and the ability to work with people of all ages in a group setting or one-on-one. Moreover, I believe David’s high degree of both musical excellence and personal warmth make him an ideal candidate for teaching college students. He is innovative, flexible, incredibly hardworking, and brings a wealth of hands-on experience as an educator, performer, and active member of Nashville's music community.

I am confident David Toledo will be an invaluable teacher for your child, and can think of no better teacher to which you can entrust your child's private instruction.

Laura K. Rosser
M.A. Candidate in Religion, Psychology, & Culture, Vander bilt University
Staff Accompanist, East Brentwood Presbyterian Church
Choristers Director, Church of the Advent (Episcopal)
Private Music Instructor
615.332.0272 (office)
615.426.6037 (cell)